Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The monk who sold his Ferrari - Robin Sharma

It did not take more than a few hours to finish this book of around 200 pages.

A thought that I regularly got during the read was "Hey, I know this"..."Hey, this isn't new"...etc. I feel this book is just ok and one should read this probably while travelling for a few 100 km....basically time pass. You could also read this if you need some good sayings or quotations that you may have forgotten. There were hardly any new quotations in that book...all had been quoted earlier elsewhere.

I think Indians, specially those who have some kind of spiritual drive or exposure, will find this book repetitive. For first time exposure to spiritual way of thinking and beyond...this book is indeed a good introduction. If you are a person who thinks positively, then you obviously don't need affirmation from any book...so avoid it.

But the techniques mentioned in the book are really effective but like I said earlier...it's not new.

All in all, I feel it's an ok story with some good "compilation" of sayings from all people possible.

Book rating - 4 out of 10.

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